A comprehensive guide on how to create sites for the “Google Adsense” affiliate program, which tells: how to choose the right topic, the key promoted query, find out the cost per click, briefly tells about the installation of the site, the secrets of the location of the blocks, what should be the colors of the blocks, promotion strategies, further perspectives, warnings.
What is “MFA”.
“MFA – made for Adsense”, which literally means: we make sites tailored for the affiliate program from “Google Adsense”.
There are various debates on the Internet on how to make money on such sites, but I will only talk about the basics, after reading which, you will immediately understand how to make such sites, and you will begin to receive a stable income.
Site subject
First of all, decide on the topic of the site. For example, you want to tell about sewing machines on your website. Fine. But since “Adsense” is an advertising network, you must understand that it makes no sense to talk about all brands of sewing machines, because it will be very expensive to promote all requests. We’ll pick one brand. But now a dilemma arises: each advertiser sets his own cost per click, and we do not want to receive a pitiful penny in the form of one cent, so we will not earn anything. Therefore, we register for a start in the “Adwords” service, in which we can enter the required search query for which we want to promote the site and see the demand (number of queries per month). We can do the same for “Yandex” by entering “wordstat.yandex.ru” into the search bar.
Next, we enter the request we need into any search engine, we look at the sites in the search results in the first positions. If the search results on the very first page come across sites with an entrance to the main page, then we analyze the site itself (the number of external links, parameters, etc.). If the site is not new, and the parameters of the site are above zero, then nothing shines for us by this key, so we are looking for another one.
Let’s say you’ve found a non-competitive topic. Great, then we go to the cy-pr.com website, enter any site that we came across in the search results according to our keyword, look at the parameters in which the cost of a click is indicated just below. We now know the estimated prices. If they suit us, we continue.
CMS selection
So, you have decided on the topic and the promoted request. Now let’s figure out what platform to build the site on. I suggest “WordPress” because it is the easiest to learn, there is a lot of material on the Internet and various guides on it.
We will assume that you have bought hosting, registered a domain, changed DNS servers. Now, depending on the hosting panel, we create a database, remember the username, password, and name of the database itself. Then you should have FTP access data. Connect via FTP to your home directory, go to the “public_html” folder, fill in “WordPress” there. Then in the file “config.php”, we write the login, password, database name. Now open the directory “your_site.com / wp-admin” in the browser. Then you will guess yourself.
We will assume that the site is ready, all the material is uploaded to the site, all key phrases and headings are spelled out and optimized for the main key request. Now it’s time to figure out where the ad units are best placed. I must say right away that there should be one stretched ad unit with static ads in the header, there must be a block in the upper left corner of the site (it’s just that a person’s gaze is riveted to this point when entering the site), and the last third block must be embedded in the content of the site itself … This is done very simply: go to the “admin panel” of the site, and edit the “index.php” file, inserting ad unit codes there. I’m not going to chew on this point, since this material is beyond the scope of this article.
What we have: a ready-made website with already placed “Adsense” ad units. But now it is important to evaluate how these blocks look against the background of your site. I must say right away that the blocks whose ads are written in red and on a blue background are the most successful, most visitors click on them since this is a really bright spot on the background of your site (the site is meant in a simple white design so that nothing distracts the eyes of visitors ).
Now a few words about the promotion of your resource. I don’t think it’s worth explaining that every site needs to be promoted on the net. You can do it yourself, for example, leave comments about your site in blogs (sometimes search engines consider it “spam”), you can also leave links in forums on this topic, and sometimes there is a column “Your site” in site profiles. But this is all too tedious and time-consuming. It is better to use resources such as “Seopult” or “Webeffector”, which need to indicate which query to promote and which line in the search engine to get within a month. These services themselves will estimate the budget for promotion, but this does not mean that you are obliged to pay the requested amount, you can get by with less blood. You will also have to spend 20-30 rubles every month in order to maintain positions in the search results.
And then the most pleasant thing remains – to watch how the number of clicks in the “Adsense” panel grows with every hour. You can go deeper into this topic, but I think that these basics will be enough for you. But you should not forget that you should never stop. You need to make a lot of these sites in order to feel the profit. And in no case should you click on the ads on your site, otherwise, the system will simply block you