The text goes into the most interesting aspect of Facebook marketing. The reason why Facebook marketing is very effective at best is because of the ability to precisely target. This is because Facebook has a wealth of information about its users, and your business should use that resource in its marketing.

Once you know the target audience for your product and service, you can very precisely select them from among your Facebook users and target them with advertising. If, on the other hand, you are looking for the most potential target audience for your new product, then Facebook marketing is the right target for it!

Since there are a plethora of targeting options, let’s cut to the chase.

Hot and cold audiences

Facebook marketing should be roughly divided into two groups. For hot and cold audiences. Cold audiences are those audiences that have not heard of your business before. Examples of such target groups include Facebook marketing measures for location, age, language, or demographic targeting. In campaigns targeting cold audiences, you assume that your target audience is your potential customer base.

Warm audiences are the ones that are already having some contact with your business. These include people who have visited your website, people on your email list, or even people who have already bought from you. This information may be placed on a Facebook advertising platform and targeted to them for marketing purposes, which is often the most effective way to advertise.

If you’re interested in how cold audiences are processed into warm leads and more, you’ll find their own article about it: Marketing Produces Data-Enriched Leads.


Advertise only where your customers are. It is useless to spend any advertising budget on people who cannot buy your products or services.

You can advertise with a country, a city or even a postal code. Plus, you can easily choose how far your ad will run from your destination. eg (City) + 20km, + 50km or + 70km.

You can also select items to your liking. For example, you can target one ad to Kuopio and Helsinki and another to Turku and Tampere. Very practical.


What is the age of your prospective customer? This is always a good idea to think about. You can start targeting your ad from age 13 to max. Personally, I usually use a 5-15 year old accordion when targeting Facebook advertising. This is an important feature in many situations and it is worth trying out different ads for different age groups. You may be surprised what works best.


When you write your ad text, of course, you want the target of your ad to understand your text. You can select a group based on the language they use on Facebook. I rarely recommend interfering with this area unless you are targeting Swedish-speaking areas in Finland.

Demographics targeting

Now be careful, because you are entering a world of targeted marketing that is not possible in any other marketing channel.

You can target marketing based on the following demographics:

  • Relationship situation
  • Training
  • Worked
  • Financial situation
  • Kind of house
  • Ethnic origin
  • Generation
  • According to a life event.

With these factors, it is not advisable to refine the target group too precisely, because in a market the size of Finland, the size of the target group suddenly becomes too small. However, it is good to remember that we marketers finally have this type of precision weapon in use. It allows your Facebook ads to be shown only to the right people.


You can show your ad to those who really even interest and benefit. If you market a motoring magazine, do it for those who are interested in cars or motor sports. If, on the other hand, you sell beauty products, then they should be marketed to another target group. Don’t screw up the channel by shooting blindly, you’re really learning how to target Facebook marketing to the right people.


This section will be used less often because few campaigns need it. Based on their behavior, you can target groups that, for example, have purchased products through Facebook marketing, use a specific browser, or use a specific mobile device. In a market area the size of Finland, other limiting factors are used. Of course, if you’re promoting a new phone app for your business, for example, it’s a good idea to only show your ads to people who use Facebook on their phone, so they can download your app directly from your Facebook ad.


This menu typically selects whether the ad elements are already connected to your business’s Facebook site, or whether you’re reaching entirely new customers. If you target people who are already connected to your site, your post will be visible to anyone who has liked your site, attended your event, or used your app in the last 30 days.

You can also choose to connect with those who are your friends on Facebook, who are connected to your site, or those who are not connected to your Facebook site. If you’re not sure which one is better, you can choose all of these and your previous targeting will determine who will see your ad.

People who visited your website

You can target marketing to people who visit your website. When people visit your website from Google, for example, but don’t make a purchase or get in touch, it makes a lot of sense to reach them again. Few people make the decision to buy on their first visit. There are two sensible options for remarketing. Remarketing is ideal for service companies and dynamic remarketing for online stores. Choose from the links which one would be a better fit for you and find out more.

Email list and customer marketing

These two categories belong to custom audiences in Facebook marketing. Your business can add a variety of marketing lists to your Facebook advertising platform. Custom audiences have their own blog which you can find here

Constant change in orientation

The text went over the basics of Facebook marketing targeting. In addition to these, there are still many new targeting options. And the text did not take into account, for example, the orientation of the video views. The introduction of the new features has proven to be very effective, as Facebook will be able to make them available quickly based on their growing data. Our Facebook marketing team has up-to-date information on what goals would best help your business.