Finding the most effective content for your website ! Search engine optimization and content marketing are constantly evolving in the same direction and one could say that the other is not worth doing without. However, the effectiveness of both marketing methods and how to solve it is on the minds of many entrepreneurs and marketers.

The impact of both types of marketing can be tracked using Google Analytics. Here’s how to create a custom report in Google Analytics to review:

  1. What content brings traffic to your site from search engines
  2. How many leave the landing page immediately?
  3. How long visitors through your content will enjoy your site
  4. How many pages visitors who come through this content visit
  5. How content increases the number of goals for your website

Personoidut reportit (Personalized Reports)

By creating a custom report, you can view free or organic search traffic from Google. This is how you can see what content on your site is getting search traffic.

Sign in to your Google Analytics account and click the “Personalization” button. Click “New Custom Report” and create the desired report.

Metric groups

Next, under “Metric Groups,” select the information you want to include in the report. The following are selected:

  1. Sessions (how many impressions that subpage receives)
  2. Bounce rate (how many people land on the page immediately)
  3. Average Time on Page (how long these visitors enjoy your site)
  4. Pageviews (how many pages these visitors browse)
  5. Contact (how many results these pages produce)

Dimension Breakouts

We want to see the pages that visitors visit for the first time on our site, the landing pages. So select “Dimension Breakouts” under “Landing Page”.


Because we want to look at traffic generated by search engine optimization, we’re creating a filter that only includes traffic that comes for free from Google. So select “Source/Medium” under “google/organic”.

Points of view

The report has not yet been linked to one of the views in your Google Analytics account that it collects data from. I myself chose two basic views for our site.

report settings

The completed report before saving is as shown. By pressing “Save”, you will be able to view the data of the personalized report.

Interpretation of the full report

Once the report has been generated, you will be able to view the selected data per landing page.

Organic search traffic

Report Analysis

We got the data we wanted in the form of a report, but what can we deduce from this data?

The report shows part of the organic traffic on our website, based on landing/landing page. I don’t want to go into more detail about what content brings us a lot of organic traffic, but let’s go through the first three lines by number.

Line / Page 1.

  • The first on the list is the page that receives the most free traffic.
  • The bounce rate is low, so applicants will likely find what they’re looking for.
  • Pageviews are 457, which is much larger than sessions. This means that visitors who land on the first landing page will navigate to other sub-pages and do a lot of exploring on our site.

Line / Page 2.

  • The bounce rate is high at 85.71%, so most visitors land on our site without clicking any further. There may be a few reasons for this:
    • They will find what they are looking for and there is no need to delve into our site.
    • The page is not what they are looking for at all and they will leave immediately
  • We will definitely review the site and add “more reading on the same topic” links, and try to attract more visitors to our site, thus reducing the number of bounces.
  • However, those who do not leave immediately will spend more than 5 minutes on our site.

Line / Page 3.

  • Once again, a pretty high bounce rate. Repeat the steps on page 2 and check back in a month.


The pages and content that collect the most free traffic from Google are definitely worth taking a look at. By editing them, you can effectively increase the number of contacts, for example. Conversion optimization is one of the most effective ways to get your customer to do what you want them to do on your site.

If the bounce rate is high, the content may not live up to expectations or it may not take the visitor to the next step and they will be prompted to take action on the page.

If there are no leads or sales through the page, consider whether its content supports your business. Does it answer the problems of your ideal client? If there is no response and there is still no store, how easily can you access your contact form or buy the product in your online store? Also check that you have made the contact form so that it does not expel the client. Read here what an orthodox contact form should look like in order not to lose potential customers.